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Expert advice at the various critical phases of the project is provided by Mr. Rachid LAZRAK, CEO of Groupe A. Lazrak (HEC Lausanne, MBA, MRICS, over 40 years of experience in all forms of real estate).

The management of the missions is handled by Mr. Omar BENNANI, Managing Partner of Lazrak Contractors (Engineer from École Centrale Paris, with over 30 years of experience in construction, real estate, tourism, project management, and business management).

The Construction Project Management is handled by Mr. Anas AKHLAQI, Technical and Projects Director of LAZRAK CONTRACTORS (Engineer from École Mohammedia des Ingénieurs, with over 20 years of experience in construction and project management).

The Fit-Out Project Management is handled by Mr. Mounir EL HAJJAM of LAZRAK CONTRACTORS, a graduate of the École Supérieure de Technologie, with over 20 years of experience in the execution and management of technical packages and fit-out projects across all trades.