Message from the President

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Message from the president

It is at the moment when we can see that the real estate sector is professionalizing at high speed and that each project must be better and better studied before being launched, that I measure the importance of the intangible capital that my father built for more than sixty years within the Abdellah Lazrak Real Estate Firm.
This intangible capital, based on an impeccable reputation, on values of rigor and commitment, based on recognized human skills and in-depth knowledge of market developments, constitutes the foundation of the Group that we created from the historical core.
This group, proud of the trust and loyalty of its clients and partners, determined to deepen its know-how and perfect its operating methods, focuses on its four areas of excellence in terms of real estate assets:
Expertise and consulting, marketing, turnkey construction, and finally financial arrangements and project management. Four dedicated departments, grouped within three subsidiaries, today constitute the A. Lazrak real estate group that I am proud to chair: Lazrak Advisory, Lazrak Bokerage, Lazrak Contractors and Lazrak Fund Management.